
I have no idea how or why you stumbled upon my site, but thank you for being here. Since you’re here I might as tell you what this site is and why it exists.

A little bit about me.

My friends call me Woj (as you can probably tell why by the last name). I’m a “write it down” kind of person – usually it’s old school pencil to paper or marker to whiteboard – but on occasion I find creative release in putting stuff out there – how I think, process, prioritize what’s running through my head in my own small world of cybersecurity marketing leadership. If you can relate, I’m always open to a conversation. If you can’t, I’m still open to a conversation.

Thanks for being here,

I believe positivity leads to personal growth – the constant pursuit of better – a better father, partner, friend, teammate, coach, leader. I believe leadership being present and affirming and recognizing others’ growth and success is as important, if not more important than my own. I believe in sharing what is discovered, learned, used and experienced everyday contributes to the growth and success of others.

“My values shape who I am and my purpose, promise and passion for product marketing.”

My passion is helping the people build their brand by helping others build theirs. I believe being “others-first” makes us better marketers and for the past decade, I’ve been applying this core belief to cybersecurity product marketing leadership.

“I’m passionate about helping others make themselves more marketable.”

I’m a product marketer to the core. I believe product marketing is buyer-centric, not product-centric. How can we possibly market our products if we don’t first truly understand our buyers’ needs, pains and wants? Short answer: we can’t.

“I’m driven to know our audience, customers, buyers, users more than I did yesterday.”

I’m no expert on cybersecurity, marketing, or leadership, but I am a listener and learner. I’m always curious, like to ask questions, start conversations and listen to what people are saying. Cybersecurity, marketing and leadership are complex topics, so simplifying them down to 3 things helps me help others focus on what matters most.

“I’m fueled to simplify complex stuff down to the 3 things that matter most.”

My growth.